Latest News
Zilia and Kagawa University Launch First Study in Japan on Retinal Oxygenation and Eye Diseases
Avril 2024
Artificial intelligence in the service of preventive medicine (in French)
Journal de Chambly
February 2022
One step closer to better ocular health: Zilia secures $4 million in seed funding
August 2021
Dr. Patrick Sauvageau shares how he has built Zilia from the ground up (in French)
Ca$hMire Podcast
April 2021

Zilia takes top honors in Phase B competition
Biron Health Group
April 2021

With Zilia, the Eye Becomes a Window Into a Person’s Health
Espace CDPQ
November 2020

La révolution Zilia (in French)
Le Soleil
January 2020

Spotlight on Canadian innovators in life sciences
Canadian Trade Commissioner Service
December 2019

Quand tout passe par l’œil (in French)
La Presse
May 2019

Grand lancement pour Zilia (in French)
Québec International
May 2019

Dévoilement des finalistes du Gala des Grands Prix de la Relève d’affaires du Québec 2019 (in French)
Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec
May 2019

Zilia graduates from the Creative Destruction Lab
Creative Destruction Lab
April 2019

Dévoilement des gagnants du concours INPAQTS (in French)
Société des communicateurs de Québec
December 2018

Zilia pourra commercialiser sa première génération d'appareils de diagnostic oculaire (in French)
Les Affaires
August 2018

Appareil de diagnostic oculaire pour Zilia (in French)
Le Soleil
August 2018

Zilia to Develop and Market First-generation Ocular Diagnostic Tool
August 2018

L'AQT dévoile les lauréats du parcours jeune entreprise (in French)
Association Québecoise des Technologies
January 2018

Zilia on the Rise (in French)
November 2017
Get in Touch
If you would like to discuss how our platform can be put to use, contact a Zilia representative to get started! LEARN MOREREQUEST A DEMOSolutions